Treg's blog

June 28th, 2005

XChat AwayScript (the not annoying version)

Posted by Treg in General, Programming

Everybody knows that you have an away status on IRC (you set it when you are gone). You can check the status of every person on an irc network. BUT on the Quakenet network, there are many people who doesn’t know that. I am getting highlights and personal messages all the time (very annoying, cause they simple don’t see that you are away).
I decided to make a perl script. If you use the /away [message] command, your status will be away offcourse. When somebody sends you a personal message, a personal message will be send to him/her that you are away. If he/she keeps repeating this, he will be warned once every 15 minutes. On highlighting it’s the same. The highlighter will be send a notice (once in 15 minutes) and the highlighted message will appear in a logtab.
The code of this script is nearly finished, but I’m bugfixing it. 🙂

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