Treg's blog

December 10th, 2008

Het verkeer(d), vandaag.

Posted by Treg in General

Geïnspireerd door Spydro, Marnik, X, Y, Z en … probeer ik even mijn verkeersfrustratie kwijt te raken op deze blog. Ik heb er lang mee gewacht en geduld gehad, ‘k verdraag zeer veel, ‘k heb zeer veel verkeers-“verhalen”, maar vandaag was’t TEveel.

Gij, ja GIJ, dwaas die met minstens 10ton over de weg aan’t racen is. Als de vrachtwagen voor u 89 km/h rijdt, en gij 90 km/h, heb dan tenminste het geduld om te wachten tot de echte mensen veilig van de 2de rijstrook weg zijn. (naar de 3de rijstrook of voorbij u) Zet u pinkerke _niet_ op als excuus om bruusk in te voegen. Gebruik ook niet “Jama, dan moetek mijne cruisecontrol afzetten” als uitleg. Gij zijt levensgevaarlijk idioot! De moto’s die u voorbijsteken op de 2de en 1ste rijstrook hebt ge zeker gezien he? … Al wie vrachtwagens verbied om (al dan niet in de spitsuren) op andere dan de eerste rijstrook te rijden, you got my vote! :p

Deze avond, vlam, weer van dat, maar dan iets anders. Ik ben precies ne cursus zichzaggen gaan volgen op den A12. Iedereen, maar dan ook iedereen reed in’t midden… tegen 105-110 natuurlijk, wa dachte. Meer debiele middenrijstrookrijders aan de kant zetten, I vote for! Of beter nog, een spel dat dat kan dedecteren en begint te piepen als ge in’t midden blijft rijden.

Het verkeer vandaag, amai menne frak, en maar proberen de spitsuren te vermijden he…

June 15th, 2008

PC boekskes

Posted by Treg in General

Je kent ze wel, de boekskes voor de pc “fan”, zoals daar zijn: de PC World, Datanews, Clickx, PC Magazine,… bijvoorbeeld. Vooral dat type boekskes dat uitpuilt van de reclame, daar zou ik het graag even over hebben.

Wat is daar mis mee? Wel, na enkele jaren ervaring in de IT sector, begin je je toch fameus vragen te stellen bij deze bladen. Bij sommige artikelen/tests worden foute metingen gedaan en foute conclusies getrokken, wat enigzins normaal is. Het blijven “boekskes”, dus neem je alles wel met een korrel zout. Wanneer je echter verschillende tests (van verschillende jaren) over hetzelfde onderwerp naast elkaar legt, merk je soms dat er gewoon 100% wordt gekopieerd, dat de testresultaten niet veranderen, dat de prijzen foutief zijn opgegeven… en ga zo maar door.

Hoe is het trouwens ook mogelijk dat zulke bladen een 100% juiste mening geven? De inkomsten van deze bladen worden grotendeels gegenereerd uit IT reclame inkomsten.

Kortom, lees zulke bladen steeds met een _emmer_ zout. Sla er minstens 4 dezelfde tests op na, en lees alles ook op internet. Meestal merk je aan de comments onmiddellijk de geloofwaardigheid van de artikels. 🙂

June 1st, 2008

Top Gear op Canvas

Posted by Treg in General

De zomer van Canvas brengt u “Top Gear”! Very, very nice! Vanaf nu bevind ik mij op maandag avond om 21u10 voor de buis. (als het weer niet te goed is welliswaar).

Kuch, autofreak, kuch, ik? Laat ons zeggen dat bolides mij niet koud laten, maar de show heeft veel meer in zich dan dat. Het politiek incorrect zijn en de Britse humor spelen hier een zeer grote rol in. Niet overtuigd? Probeer dan eens een aflevering, vanaf maandag 2 juni op Canvas om 21u10.

Bron: Tv-Visie

January 2nd, 2007

Groovecity 2006

Posted by Treg in General

Finally I found some time to write a little “partyreport” of the Skynet Groovecity event on Saturday November 18th. I was looking forward to this party cause I was getting sick of doing _crap_ parties all the time (I mean crap music or dj-ing (or do I just expect to much?)).

At 20H, I picked up a friend of mine. During the trip to the Brussels KartExpo, we listened to the program Switch on StuBru (a great warm up before this party). Twenty minutes later, we arrived at the party. Very well organised, was my first impression.

The first artist we wanted to see was “System-D” in the D&B room. After half an hour of shaking, we decided to go for the smooth house grooves. I heard the name “Silicone Soul” somewhere before, but this was their first liveset I tasted, nice! I love their UK deephouse sound. Ready for some techno beats? Our next stop was the techno room with “The Hacker”. This was the most impressive room with some big projector screens and nice light effects. The second D&B DJ for that night was DJ-Krust, nice, but a little bit to much Reggae influences (certainly after The Hacker). Ok, now we were heading for some more grooves with “Martin Solveig”. The set of the French man just made the crowd crazy. His performance was unbelievable, and all alone! Perfect beatmixes, loops, samples and lots of creative things with electronic music. Almost satisfied, we ended the night with a perfect set of “Sven Vath”. I think I’m starting to like minimal very much. 🙂

I expected a lot of this event, but it was even better then I hoped!

November 26th, 2006

Building an ignition

Posted by Treg in General

Yesterday afternoon a friend and I build a sort of portable ignition for a “bigger project” which I can’t mention for the moment.

First we had to find a suitable coil, so we drove to 6 garages. At least we found a (smaller) coil from a mower in a garden shop. Based on an ignition scheme from a car combined with an NE555 timer chip and a 9V battery we made the first design. We succeeded in making some little blue sparks. Not suitable for a good ignition. After a while (and blowing up an NE555) we found that the transistor which we used was to light. After some optimalisation we came to a nice result -> sparks with a length of 3mm.


Isn’t it time to build a bigger Tesla Coil? 🙂

November 18th, 2006

Animator VS Animation II

Posted by Treg in General

Animator VS Animation is a “movie” made with Macromedia Flash where an object comes alive and starts to annoy the computer user. The idea of this movie is very original. You’ll need to watch it twice (or more) to see all the things that happen on stage.

Animator VS Animation II (part I included)

Post spotted on Blogging Marnik.

November 6th, 2006

Posted by Treg in General, Linux, Tech ‘s a fantastic initiative from Jochem Kossen and Sander van de Graaf. On a weekly base, they bring you all the latest OpenSource related news in a sort of (dutch) TV news. got it’s name because the show deals with “nerd like” topics or at least a bit geeky. Are you tyred of reading and reading and reading all the newssites and weblogs with tech info, than this is the show you must watch. (and it’s funny too)
October 29th, 2006

Fedora Core 6

Posted by Treg in General

Lately, I heard some very good comments on the latest new Fedora (Core 6) project, so I decided to test this Linux distribution.

The installation started nice, as I expected from this distro. After the first boot configuration I got a 800×600 desktop on a widescreen. After adapting the xorg.conf configuration, the X server was performing well (without DRI). The next thing to test, was the wifi connection. Unfortunately, I had to install and load the ipw3945 drivers manually. After a while this issue was fixed and I could move on to the next… bummer. Yes, the kernel didn’t support cpu frequency scaling. All what i got, was a kernel error. Concolusion: the distro isn’t workable for me at this moment. I expect a lot of bugfixes and support on the issues (that I find on the forum).

May 22nd, 2006

Eurosong 2006?

Posted by Treg in General

Finally, the Eurosong 2006 weekend ‘s finished! I just can’t understand why so many people are interested in such a boring and low level “best song election” of the european countries. First, you have the elections on television, followed by the endless comments on the radio, followed by the halve final and final. Our government spent 60.000 EUR on it, for a song that didn’t reach the final! Another stupid descision is to do the elections with televoting instead of a professional jury (with the big side effect of voting neigbour countries on each other).

At the end… this election isn’t about music anyway. Bah!

April 16th, 2006

Sensation White 2006 (Belgium)

Posted by Treg in General

Yesterday, I went to the “World’s leading dance event” Sensation White 2006 (Belgian edition) with some friends. Sensation is a big trance party with 15000 people @ Sportpaleis Antwerp. (the party is known for the fact that everybody has to wear white clothes)

We decided to go to the party by public transport, and so we did. Leaving home @ 18h heading for Antwerp. First we took the bus and train to Antwerp-Central station, no problem so far. But, using the local Antwerp metro lines isn’t as easy as it looks on the website of “The Lijn”, a public transport company. We met some people and joined them on the trip to the Sportpaleis.

At 20h50 we arrived at the place to be, it was raining like hell. Actually, we didn’t care at al, a fantastic night was the only thing where we were thinking of. Next step was the ticket control, passport control and the body check. 15000 party people, so it took a while. During the time we explored the area.

The intro started @ about 21h45. Followed by Maxim Lany, Tom De Neef, Darren Emerson, The Megamix, M.I.K.E., Marco V, and Dave Lambert. The dj’s were performing nice selected tracks. Marco V mixed the best set for me personally, this because I know his style and I like his tracks (new album). Second best was M.I.K.E. with a good relative hard trance set. I liked them playing not “known” tracks but sometimes I missed the long strong melodies (which Marco performed well). Also the megamix was ok, but I heard the selection of the tracks to much. 😛

@ 7h15 we returned home, totaly satisfied.

Party pictures can you find on the website (direct link). I expect a party report soon.

Next year’s Sensation, count me in!

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